Alternative Viewing & Listening Options
FM Radio listening is available on all GEAT Parking lots during Sunday Morning worship on 98.3 FM
FaceBook Live ( Click Here )
A mask or other appropriate face covering must be worn
Sanitize hands before entering
Social Distancing Seating in sanctuary:
Seating in every other pew
3 people to a pew (unless in the same household)
4. No congregating in lobby areas before, during, and after service.
Covid-19 Health Questionnare
Do you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste/smell?
Have you been sick (symptoms listed above) in the past two weeks?
Have you been around someone that has been sick (symptoms listed above) in the past two weeks?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, we are asking that you DO NOT worship with us today for your safety and the safety of all that are present.